Roche recrute les profils suivants:
-Assistant marketing.
-Assistante de direction.
-Spécialiste de l’administration des ventes.
-Chauffeur Magasinier.
-Spécialiste IT & Application.
-Gestionnaire de produit.
-Stagiaire en marketing.
-Partenaire pour les conditions rares (RCP) pour SMA.
Nous nous employons à améliorer la vie des gens depuis 1896, année où l’entreprise a été fondée, à Bâle, en Suisse. Aujourd’hui, Roche met au point des médicaments novateurs et des tests diagnostiques qui aident des millions de patients à l’échelle mondiale.
Roche est la plus grande société de biotechnologie au monde, commercialisant pas moins de 17 produits biopharmaceutiques. Plus de la moitié des composés de notre gamme sont des produits biopharmaceutiques, ce qui nous permet d’offrir des traitements ciblés.
Nous sommes convaincus qu’il est urgent de proposer des solutions thérapeutiques et diagnostiques dès aujourd’hui tout en innovant pour l’avenir. Améliorer la vie des patients est notre raison d’être. Nous décidons et agissons avec courage. Nous avons la conviction qu’une croissance responsable servira le monde de demain.
C’est pour cela que, tous les jours, nous travaillons. Rigueur scientifique, éthique et accès à l’innovation médicale pour tous: voilà ce à quoi nous nous engageons. Nous agissons aujourd’hui pour que demain soit meilleur.
Nous sommes fiers de ce que nous sommes, de ce que nous faisons et de la manière dont nous le faisons. Partout dans le monde, dans chaque filiale, dans chaque équipe, nous travaillons unis par cette même conviction.
Roche recrute Plusieurs Profils
Chauffeur Magasinier
Job Requirements:
- Livraison Clients
- Assurer la livraison des produits Roche dans les meilleurs délais et dans le respect des bonnes pratiques de distribution et les conditions de transport;
- Tenue et suivi des enregistreurs de T° du camion;
- Respect du circuit des livraisons;
- Signale toute anomalie survenue durant le transport et/ou la livraison;
2. Maintenance des Véhicules
- Entretien des véhicules avec le suivi des vidanges et nettoyage;
- Déclaration de toute anomalie en temps réel;
3. Magasinier
- Assure le rangement, transfert des produits entre les dépôts et préparation des commandes grossistes dans le magasin
Job Profile:
- Bac +3 ans
- Permis de conduire et expérience dans le conduite
- Sens de priorités
- Francais courant
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Spécialiste IT & Application
Le spécialiste IT & Application apporte son expertise pré-analytique, analytique et informatique sur une large gamme de produits afin d’assurer la bonne mise en place des solutions Roche Diagnostics et des actions d’accompagnement auprès des clients.
Les Principales Responsabilités Et Missions Consistent à
- Assurer l’expertise technique pour la gamme de produits ou solutions Roche Diagnostics
- Apporter son expertise et contribuer à une bonne préparation des projets de déploiement par la réalisation et diffusion des informations nécessaires au client et à l’équipe projet
- Réaliser les démonstrations pour les systèmes Roche Diagnostics
- Réaliser la mise en route et la formation client sur les solutions pré-analytiques, analytiques et informatiques
- Analyser et formaliser les flux de données et d’échantillons pour permettre le paramétrage des systèmes pré-analytiques, informatiques et analytiques
- Assister, conseiller et proposer des solutions aux clients en matière de protocole, de fonctionnement des instruments et d’organisation
- Planifier et réaliser des visites de suivi sur les sites clients
- Garantir le respect des normes et des règles
- S’assurer de la bonne application des directives et instructions dans son périmètre de travail
Formation & Expérience
- Niveau Bac+5
- Formation ingénieur informatique et réseau exigée
- Formation double compétence « biologie / informatique médicale » appréciée
- Formation en management de la qualité appréciée
- Expérience professionnelle dans le milieu du Diagnostic souhaitée
- Langues : Français et Arabe courants, Anglais professionnel
Compétences & Qualités requises
- Rigueur, sens de l’organisation et capacité à gérer les priorités
- Capacité à travailler en équipe
- Excellentes capacités de communication
- Orientation clients
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Product Manager
Job Summary
Responsible for the development and implementation of a marketing strategy to meet RDCME and local country objectives taking account of:
- Corporate objectives
- Profitability targets
- Achieve mutually agreed upon Company goals within the Consumer channel, developing and implementing the Consumer marketing strategy whilst leading effective localization of Global marketing platforms e.g. segmentation and branding.
- Create the retail/pharmacy/HCP channel marketing plan for the Diabetes Care portfolio of products and services and oversee its implementation. Manage and control the budget for all the customer channels
Key Relationships
- DC Head
- Marketing Managers
- Marketing Teams
- Sales Team
- Agencies for material design and development
- HCP, Customers
Key Accountabilities
Marketing Strategy & Implementation
- Implement local marketing strategy and tactical action plans which conform to divisional objectives, and, through liaison with all other functions, address company objectives, by covering all customer segments
- Ensure that product information is dispersed to the relevant internal and external stakeholders
- Online and offline advertising and media plan; including media selection , artwork and placement
- Assist in implementing the day-to-day marketing activities to achieve both the corporate and local market business objectives.
- Recommend and lead alternative actions as needed to meet overall objectives of short term and long term plan. Plan and implement all necessary activities, in line with Global Roche Polic i es.
- Perform complaint management functions which includes but is not limited to receiving a case from the customer and reporting it for capturing and investigation
- Implement marketing campaigns as planned
- Producing promotional materials and non-promotional s cientific or medical educational material (on – label) in coordination with Medical Affairs
- Monitor Interactions with KOLs for promotional purposes
Implement Consumer Marketing Activities
- Online and offline advertising and media plan; including media selection, artwork and placement
- Brand strategy implementation across all channels, sales and marketing function
- All Roche employees must ensure that their activities and behaviors in business are at all times in compliance with the local laws and regulations and with Roche standards.
- The adherence to the Roche Group Code of Conduct is a condition of employment and each employee must read, understand and comply with the Roche Group Code of Conduct.
- All Roche employees shall notify in good faith any deviation or violation of any regulatory requirements as defined by the applicable laws and regulations, and procedures and standards of Roche.
- All Roche employees shall meet the training requirements set by the applicable laws and regulations and by Roche standards to perform duties of job.
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Marketing Trainee
Roche Morocco is seeking a highly motivated Marketing Trainee ready to help shape the future by confronting
new challenges, embracing new experiences and taking on increasing responsibilities.
Join us as a trainee and put your thinking into action straight away:
Have maximum exposure to the business and be responsible for delivering business results from day one.
- Work alongside our Marketing team to gain new skills.
- Take charge of your career and ensure it develops the way you want it to.
Job Responsibilities:
- Design, development and realization of marketing campaigns.
- Follow up with external agencies so that brochures are printed and delivered on time.
- Follow-up of the implementation of the tactical plan.
- Establishment of commercial activities (internal validation file, logistics, administrative tasks:
contracts establishment, purchase order… etc)
- Coordination of commercial activities.
- Preparation of launch events.
- Prospecting and conducting market studies / field surveys
- Assisting the marketing manager during the development of the marketing plan and / or parts of the plan.
Qualifications and personal skills:
- Degree in pharmacy, biology, marketing or a similar field.
- Previous marketing internship experience, preferably in pharmaceutical industry.
- Achievement orientation, will to succeed, and hands-on mentality.
- Initiative, self-starter approach, and strong communication skills
- Strong intent to influence and to make a difference combined with very strong entrepreneurial
- Strong analytical thinking as well as problem solving skills.
- Fluency in French and English is compulsory.
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The purpose of this role is to support the work of the accounting department on a daily basis, and to execute some important yearly activities.
- Coordination between Shared Service Center and Business Units
- Invoices checking and posting
- Invoices posting process verification
- Solving posting issues/ SAP workflows issues
- SAP induction training to business colleagues
- Transfers and checks preparation
- Supplier’s payment process
- Expense Reports weekly payments
- Employees accounts analysis and Clearing
- Permanent/Temporary advances posting
- Import and Export invoices posting
- Subsequent debits posting and payment
- Customs checks preparation
- Follow-up of the cost of import calculation
- Customs account analysis and Clearing
- VAT and WHT monthly calculation and declaration
- VAT and WHT payment
- Preparation of checks for others taxes
- Taxes accounts analysis and clearing
- Preparation of Annual Declaration of Remunerations paid to non-residents
- Preparation of Annual Declaration of Remunerations paid to doctors
- Preparation of Annual Declaration of Honorariums -Tax Certificate annual process
- Support the work of the BCP and the chief accountant
- Prepare and submit tax credit reimbursement
- Help in the inventory of stocks and fixed assets
- BAC+3 in Finance (accounting & auditing)
- Written and spoken English
- Ability of working in an international matrix organization across functions and cultures
- Communication skills – the ability to communicate effectively at all levels of the organization
- Focus on compliance matters
- Analytical and deductive skills
- Team spirit
- Demonstrated sense of urgency and orientation toward results
Roche is an equal opportunity employer.
Finance, Finance > Accounting & Reporting
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Rare Conditions Partner (RCP) for SMA
Pharma International is Roche’s global business network (excluding US) of over 15’000 people, who work to ensure better outcomes for more patients faster. We are structured into two communities – the International 8 Markets (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) and the International 7 Areas (Africa, Asia-Pacific, CEETRIS (Central Eastern Europe, Turkey, Russia and Indian Sub-Continent), Europe North, Europe South, Latin America and the Middle East).
Rare Conditions is part of the PI portfolio, and the new Infinity model for RC is spearheading the overall transformation within PI. The transformation aims to create a more innovative organization that puts the customer at the center of what we do.
The mission we want to accomplish is to bring ‘more value’ to people with Rare Conditions faster to transform their lives. This new way of working is based on the principle of true partnership with the Rare Condition community, and through that addressing their needs via co-creation.
As the RC Partner (RCP), you thrive for an intimate understanding of the Eco-system needs & behaviors for SMA, you act as the customer-facing, single-point of contact, and as the connector with Roche’s internal capabilities, and ultimately drive for co-creation within an Eco-system to achieve personalized & fit-for purpose solutions.
You’ll do this as part of a larger self-managed and directed network of RCPs. To be successful, you’ll need to closely collaborate with all functions in an affiliate to exchange insights and analyze the disease ecosystem. Your knowledge of the competitive landscape will impact Roche strategy, and ultimately patients.
Key Accountabilities
- Map Eco-system
- Identify patients (diagnosed & undiagnosed)
- Build trust & credibility with Eco-systems
- Educate & provide targeted information
- Deliver care support around patient journey
- Act as enabler for science partnerships
- Facilitate access & financial planning
- Create a partnership plan to deliver a personalized solution to Eco-system
Key Skills, Qualifications And Experiences
Are you passionate about new ways of team collaboration and best-practice sharing? Can you translate complex insights and large amounts of data/analytics into succinct, actionable presentations? If so, this role could be for you. In addition, we are looking for:
- Has strong rare disease specific expertise, ideally in rare neurodegenerative diseases
- Has clinical practice understanding; Experience in implementation of clinical trials preferred
- Experience of partnership with Global Therapeutic Area Experts (TAEs) and external organizations
- Significant experience in Clinical Operations
- MD, PharmD or relevant PhD for the Therapeutic Domain (preferred)
- MBA / Relevant Business or Market Access (desirable)
- Has an entrepreneurial mindset and is able to act fast
- Is a system thinker with foot on the ground
- Able to learn quickly, and grow to take on new challenges
- Is a mobilizer & influencer, who can build and maintain open and transparent communication with key RC eco-system stakeholders
- Has strong knowledge of drug development process, with cross-functional experience
- Able to establish collaborations with TAEs and maintain existing collaborations
- Establish scientific collaborations with Global Scientific Societies (including patient organizations
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Marketing Assistant – Anapec
Roche Morocco is seeking a highly motivated Marketing Trainee ready to help shape the future by confronting
new challenges, embracing new experiences and taking on increasing responsibilities.
Join us as a trainee and put your thinking into action straight away:
Have maximum exposure to the business and be responsible for delivering business results from day one.
- Work alongside our Marketing team to gain new skills.
- Take charge of your career and ensure it develops the way you want it to.
Job Responsibilities
- Design, development and realization of marketing campaigns.
- Follow up with external agencies so that brochures are printed and delivered on time.
- Follow-up of the implementation of the tactical plan.
- Establishment of commercial activities (internal validation file, logistics, administrative tasks:
Contracts establishment, purchase order… etc)
- Coordination of commercial activities.
- Preparation of launch events.
- Prospecting and conducting market studies / field surveys
- Assisting the marketing manager during the development of the marketing plan and / or parts of the plan.
Qualifications And Personal Skills
- Degree in pharmacy, biology, chemistry, medical degree, marketing or a similar field.
- Previous marketing internship experience, preferably in pharmaceutical industry.
- Achievement orientation, will to succeed, and hands-on mentality.
- Initiative, self-starter approach, and strong communication skills
- Strong intent to influence and to make a difference combined with very strong entrepreneurial
- Strong analytical thinking as well as problem solving skills.
- Fluency in French and English is compulsory.
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Executive Assistant
Duties & Responsibilities:
Administrative Support:
- Manage and follow up of GM agenda and coordinate all related activities with internal and external stakeholders
- Specific follow-up requested by GM
- Administrative management GM related activities and documents
- Prepares expenses claims of GM
- Preparing documents & presentations, travel and meetings arrangement for GM
Event Lead:
- Logistics responsible for the events related to GM/HR activities
- Manage customs clearance, purchase requisitions and good receipts for GM, HR, Access, Compliance & Regulatory.
- Organizing and coordinating regular project meetings
Legal Support:
- Documentation Management in accordance with COREMAP requirements
- Support issuing and update administrative/legal documentation (AGE , AGO , BoD, Delegation of duties…)
- Responsible of updating contract database
Qualifications & Experience
- Degree in Administration, Project Management or Office Management;
- At least 7-10 years of experience in similar roles in multinational companies,
- Perfect knowledge of MS office package;
- SAP knowledge is a plus;
- Fluent in French, Arabic and English;
- Excellent writing and communications skills;
- Strong leadership skills
- Well organized, proactive, agile, structured and with high integrity & worth of trust
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Sales Admnistration Specialist
Roche Morocco is seeking a highly motivated Marketing Trainee ready to help shape the future by confronting new challenges, embracing new experiences and taking on increasing responsibilities.
Join us as a trainee and put your thinking into action straight away:
- Have maximum exposure to the business and be responsible for delivering business results from day one.
- Work alongside our Sales Administration team to gain new skills.
- Take charge of your career and ensure it develops the way you want it to
Job Responsibilities:
- Manages incumbents responsible for sales and customer account administration
- The monitoring, planning, and implementation of projects that support order processing activities.
- Ensures compliance with company revenue recognition policies for booking and shipment of orders.
- Acts as liaison to market research team to ensure market analysis data is properly used for quoting prices to customers.
- Coordinates field support calls.
- May track field support and/or sales activities and evaluate cost management effectiveness.
- Selects, develops, and evaluates employees to ensure the efficient operation of the function.
Necessary Qualifications And Personal Skills:
- Degree in Business Administration, sales or a similar field
- Previous sales administration experience, preferably in pharmaceutical industry
- Achievement orientation, will to succeed, and hands-on mentality
- Initiative, self-starter approach, and strong communication skills
- Excellence in execution, analytical, systematic and organized
- Strong skills in Microsoft Office (Excel and PowerPoint) are required.
- Fluency in French and English is compulsory.
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